Soaking Clothes In OxiClean Overnight (Is It Too Long?)

We’ve all been there—facing a stubborn stain that just won’t budge, so you toss your clothes in some OxiClean and leave them to soak overnight. Seems like a foolproof plan, right? 

But is leaving them in OxiClean for that long really the best idea? 

Is it super effective or maybe a bit too much?

In this post, I’ll explain if you should be soaking clothes in oxiclean overnight, and what happens if you soak for too long.

Can You Soak Clothes In OxiClean Overnight?

Yes, you can soak clothes in OxiClean overnight. 

Actually, a lot of people say it works really well. When you let clothes sit in OxiClean all night, it allows the active ingredients to work on stubborn stains for a long time. 

This can be super helpful for set-in stains or clothes that are heavily soiled and haven't responded to regular washing.

Also Read: is OxiClean safe for baby clothes

But here's the thing - you don't always need to soak clothes overnight. 

Most of the time, soaking for 4 to 6 hours does the trick. After about 6 hours, the OxiClean starts to lose its power. The active ingredients that make it work, especially the peroxide, starts to dissipate.

How Soak OxiClean Overnight

If you want to try soaking your clothes overnight, here's an easy way to do it:

  1. Get a bucket, use your sink, or your washing machine, and fill it with warm water.

  2. Put in the right amount of OxiClean. Check the box to see how much - it's usually about a scoop or 2-4 tablespoons for each gallon of water.

  3. Make sure the OxiClean is completely mixed into the warm water before you put your clothes in.

  4. Put your stained clothes in and make sure they're completely underwater.

  5. Leave them there overnight.

  6. In the morning, drain out all the OxiClean water and wash your clothes like you normally would with your regular detergent.

Just remember to check the tags on your clothes first, and maybe test the OxiClean on a small, hidden part of the fabric. This is extra important for delicate stuff or really colorful clothes.

Can You Soak In OxiClean Too Long?

Even though Oxiclean is great at cleaning, you can actually soak clothes in it for too long.

If you leave clothes in Oxiclean longer than you're supposed to, a few not-so-great things can happen to your clothes (more on this later).

Now, here's something interesting: some people on online forums claim they've soaked clothes in Oxiclean for more than 3 days and got amazing results without any damage. 

But - we don't know if these claims are actually true. 

Also Read: Biz vs OxiClean

It's important to remember that these are just personal experiences shared online, and they might not work the same for everyone or every type of fabric.

But if the only other option is to throw away the clothes - just let it soak in OxiClean for days!

What Happens If OxiClean Soak Too Long

Here are the risks of leaving your clothes soaking in Oxiclean for too long:

Fades Colors

One of the big risks of soaking clothes in Oxiclean for too long is that the colors might fade. 

If clothes sit in the cleaning stuff for a long time, the colors can start to run or fade, especially if the fabric isn't colorfast. Bright or dark clothes are more likely to have this problem. 

If you're worried about the colors fading, it's a good idea to check on your clothes every 15-30 minutes while they're soaking.

Damages Fabric

Soaking clothes in Oxiclean for too long can make the fabric weaker. 

This is especially true for delicate fabrics like wool, silk, or spandex

The cleaning stuff in Oxiclean is great for getting rid of stains, but if it sits on your clothes for ages, it can start to break down the fibers. 

This can make your clothes more likely to tear, less stretchy, and feel rougher. 

Oxiclean is usually safe for most fabrics when you use it the right way, but if you leave clothes in it for too long, it can mess up your clothes.

Damage Metallic Parts

If your clothes have metal bits like buttons or zippers, soaking them in Oxiclean for too long can cause problems. 

The Oxiclean solution can make some metals rust or change color. 

Brass and copper are really easy to mess up this way - they might turn greenish. Aluminum can get little pits or change color too. Even stainless steel, which is usually pretty tough, can lose its shine if it sits in Oxiclean for too long

Residue Build-ups

If you leave clothes in Oxiclean for too long, it can leave a coating on the fabric too. This can make the fabric feel stiff or chalky when you touch it. 

Also Read: OxiClean vs Clorox 2

You can usually fix this by rinsing the clothes really well, but sometimes you might need to wash them a few times to get all the leftover Oxiclean off and make the fabric feel normal again.

Also, some stains that have been partly cleaned can actually get harder to remove if they sit in the Oxiclean water for too long.

Wrapping Up

Soaking clothes overnight can work well for really tough stains, but you don't always need to do it, and it can be a bit risky. For most stains, soaking for 4 to 6 hours should be enough.

That said, if your only other option is to throw away the item, do try soaking in Oxi Clean for a few days and see if that helps.

You can also try their stain removing spray “Max Force”. You can leave it up to a week!

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