House Smells Like Skunk? (Solved)
So your house smells like skunk. Yikes! That pungent, eye-watering aroma is probably the last thing you want greeting you when you walk through your front door.
But don't worry - you can get rid of that smell quickly. But the bad news is you'll need to put in some elbow grease.
In this post, I’ll help you figure out what's causing that nasty smell and how to get rid of it.
Why Does My House Smell Like Skunk?
That distinctive skunk smell can sneak into your home for several reasons. Some are no big deal. Others might need immediate attention. Let’s take a look at each:
Gas Leaks (Urgent!)
First things first - this could actually be serious. Natural gas companies add a chemical called mercaptan to otherwise odorless gas specifically so you can detect leaks.
And guess what? It smells a lot like skunk spray!
If the smell appeared suddenly, is strongest near appliances, or if you're feeling dizzy or nauseous, get out of your house right now. Take your family and pets, go outside, and call your gas company from a safe distance.
Don't flip light switches, use your phone inside, or do anything that could create a spark.
Gas leaks aren't something to mess around with. Better safe than sorry!
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Skunk Spray On Pets
Did Fido have a late-night encounter with a black and white "cat"? Classic!
Dogs are notorious for getting sprayed by skunks. They're curious creatures, and skunks don't appreciate being investigated.
If your pet got sprayed, they probably brought that skunk smell right into your home. The oils from skunk spray can transfer to furniture, carpets, and pretty much everything else.
The scent can linger for weeks if not properly treated.
Skunk Spray Near Your Home
Skunks are nocturnal and pretty common in suburban and rural areas. If a skunk felt threatened near your house, it might have sprayed close to your home.
The smell can seep in through open windows, doors, or even tiny cracks in your foundation.
The odor molecules are super persistent and can travel surprisingly far.
So even if the skunk sprayed your neighbor's yard, your house could smell like skunk.
Dead Skunk On Your Property
This one's unpleasant but happens more often than you'd think. A skunk might have died under your porch, in your crawlspace, or somewhere else on your property.
When animals decompose, they release all sorts of foul odors - and a decomposing skunk is super awful.
The combination of decay and those natural oils makes for a particularly nasty aroma that can permeate your entire home.
Also Read: How To Clean Cat Pee On Concrete
How To Get Rid Of Skunk Smell In House
Ok enough about what made your house smell like skunk. Let's fix this stinky situation! Here's my step-by-step guide to de-skunking your home:
#1 Find The Source
You can't solve a problem if you don't know where it's coming from. So walk around your property and try to determine the origin of the smell.
Is it stronger in certain areas? Did you notice your pet acting strangely last night? Are there any signs of skunks around your yard?
Check these spots:
Around the foundation of your house
Under decks or porches
Near garbage cans
Inside crawl spaces or basements
Trust your nose on this one. The stronger the skunk smell, the closer you are to the source.
#2 If A Pet Was Sprayed
What if your furry friend had a skunk encounter? Here's what to do:
Keep them outside while you prepare a homemade de-skunking solution. Mix 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap. Apply this mixture to your pet's dry fur (avoid the eyes!), work it in well, then rinse thoroughly.
You might need to repeat this process a couple times. And heads up - this solution can't be stored, so make it fresh each time.
Don't use tomato juice! That's an old wives' tale. It might mask the smell temporarily, but it won't neutralize it.
You might also need to clean any areas your dog might have spread it too like carpets.
#3 If There's A Dead Skunk
If you've found a dead skunk on your property, you'll need to remove it safely.
Wear gloves and a mask, and place the carcass in a plastic bag. Double or triple bag it before disposing of it according to your local regulations.
If the skunk is in a hard-to-reach place like under your house, you might want to call a professional wildlife removal service.
They have the tools and experience to handle this situation properly.
#4 Ventilate The House
Once all of that is done, go open up those windows and get some fresh air flowing!
Cross-ventilation works best, so open windows on opposite sides of your house. Set up fans to help push the smelly air outside.
While you're at it, change your HVAC filters. Skunk odor particles can get trapped in them, continuing to circulate that nasty smell throughout your home.
This will help a ton in removing the skunk smell in your house.
Also Read: House Smells Like Vinegar
#5 Neutralize Odors
Vinegar, baking soda, and activated charcoal are super effective at neutralizing smells.
Place bowls of vinegar around your home to absorb odors. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and furniture, let it sit for several hours, then vacuum it up. Put activated charcoal in small bowls around the house - it's amazing at absorbing smells.
For fabrics that can't be easily washed, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and lightly mist them.
Just test on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it won't damage the material.
#6 Use Essential Oils
Once you've neutralized the worst of the smell, you can help mask any lingering odors with essential oils.
Citrus scents work particularly well against skunk smell.
Try putting a few drops of lemon, orange, or eucalyptus oil on cotton balls and placing them around your home. Or add some to a diffuser. Not only will this help cover up any remaining skunk odor, but it'll also make your house smell fresh and clean.
You can also simmer a pot of water with cinnamon sticks, cloves, and orange peels on your stove.
The pleasant aroma will help overcome the last traces of skunk smell in your house.
Bottom Line
Dealing with a house that smells like skunk is definitely no picnic. But with some detective work to find the source and these cleaning techniques, you'll have your home smelling good again in no time!
Remember - if you suspect a gas leak, that's your priority. Get out and call the pros immediately.