Fly Poop On Window Sill? (Easy Cleaning Guide)

Ever noticed those little black spots on your window sills? Yep, that's fly poop. It's not the prettiest sight, especially when summer rolls around. And cleaning them can be a real pain for anyone.

Don't worry, though – I'm here to help.

In this cleaning guide, I'll show you a simple way to get rid of fly poop on window sills, and how to keep them from coming back.

How To Remove Fly Poop On Window Sills

Follow these simple steps to clean your window sills and get them looking spotless again:

Also Read: Cleaning bee poop on windows

#1 Scrape Gently

First things first, let's get rid of as much of that dried-up fly poop as we can. 

Grab a plastic scraper or an old credit card you don't use anymore, and gently scrape off those spots. Take it easy, though - we don't want to scratch up the window sill.  

If you're dealing with some really stubborn spots on glass, some people like to use a scraper with a new, sharp blade.

But be careful if you go this route – you definitely don't want to end up with scratched glass!

#2 Prepare The Cleaning Solution

Now that you've scraped off what you can, it's time to mix up a cleaning solution. 

It's super simple – just warm water and a bit of mild dish soap in a bucket or spray bottle. This mixture works great for loosening up any leftover fly poop without damaging your window sill. 

If you've got some really tough stains, you might want to use a stronger detergent. 

Just make sure to test it on a small, hidden area first to make sure it won't cause any damage.

#3 Scrub And Rinse

Time to get scrubbing! Spread your cleaning solution generously to all the spots with fly poop. Let it sit for a few minutes to work its magic. 

Then, grab a soft cloth, sponge, or microfiber scrim and start scrubbing gently. 

Remember, we want to be thorough but not too rough. 

Once you're done scrubbing, rinse everything off with clean water to get rid of any soap and loosened dirt.

Also Read: How To Properly Clean Different Floors

#4 Use Vinegar For Stubborn Stains

Still seeing some spots that just won't budge? Don't throw in the towel yet! 

Let's try a vinegar solution. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. 

Spray it on those tough spots, let it sit for a few minutes, then give it a gentle scrub. The vinegar's acidity can help break down that stubborn fly poop. 

Don't forget to rinse everything off with clean water when you're done.

How To Stop Flies Pooping On Windows

It's always easier to not get into this mess in the first place. 

Try these easy tricks to keep flies away and your windows clean:

Screen Your Windows

Want to know one of the best ways to keep fly poop off your window sills? Put screens on your windows! It's a simple solution that works wonders. 

By keeping flies out of your house in the first place, you'll have way fewer of them leaving their little "presents" on your window sills. 

Screens come in various types, from traditional mesh to magnetic and retractable options.

They're easy to install and maintain, plus they let you enjoy fresh air without bugs.

Keep Food And Garbage Covered

Flies love the smell of food. So if you want to keep them away from your windows, make sure you're storing your food properly and keeping your garbage covered. 

Fewer flies around your house means less fly poop on your windows. It's that simple! 

Also Read: Removing Pet Stains And Odors

Use airtight containers for your leftovers, fruit, and other edibles. For your trash, opt for bins with tight-fitting lids.

Don't forget about pet food too – it's just as attractive to flies as human food.

Clean Regularly

I know, I know – cleaning isn't everyone's favorite activity. But trust me, if you clean your window sills and other surfaces regularly, flies will be less likely to hang out there. 

A clean home is a fly-free home! Make it a habit to wipe down your window sills, kitchen counters, and dining areas daily. 

Pay special attention to crumbs and spills – these are like five-star restaurants for flies. 

Regular vacuuming and mopping can also go a long way in keeping your home fly-free.

Insect Repellents Or Fly Traps

If you're really struggling with flies, you might want to consider using insect repellents or fly traps. 

These can help cut down on the number of flies buzzing around your place, which means less poop on your windows.

You have many options, from natural repellents like essential oils to more heavy-duty chemical sprays. Fly traps come in various forms too, such as sticky traps, electric zappers, or even DIY versions using household items.

Wrapping Up

Dealing with fly poop on your windows isn't anyone's idea of a good time. 

But with these tips, it's totally manageable. 

Just remember to clean regularly and take steps to keep flies out of your house. It might take a bit of effort at first, but I promise it gets easier over time as you get the fly situation under control. 

And hey, if you try all this and still can't seem to get rid of those pesky flies, don't be afraid to call in the pros. Sometimes a pest control service can help figure out what's attracting all those flies to your place in the first place.

Here's to clean, fly-poop-free windows!

Bryan TorresComment