Ways To Prevent Air Pollution In Your Home

When you think of air pollution, you don’t think of the inside of your home. But because we spend so much time indoors, especially in colder weather keeping the air quality clean in your home, car, and workplace as well is important for your health. Unfortunately, we bring most of those pollutants indoors ourselves. To get rid of impurities to minimize indoor air pollution so that your air purifier won’t have to work as hard.

Ban Smoking in your house or avoid smoking indoors. One of the most common indoor air pollutants is cigarette smoke. Also, household cleaning supplies are another common cause of indoor pollution. Harsh chemicals that give off fumes can irritate your nose, mouth, and lungs, as well as your skin. And not just cleaning products other indoor pollutants that exacerbate asthma or other chronic lung conditions include candles, incense, mold, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, wood-burning fireplaces, etc. there are many things in your home that can harm the health of you and your family. 

Although some indoor pollutants are unavoidable, there are various ways to reduce your exposure, here are some examples.

  • Open the windows to increase ventilation. Instead of using air fresheners or lighting a candle just open the window to let some fresh air in and the bad ones out 

  • If you’re cooking it is important to use the extraction fan. 

  • Use a doormat to prevent dirt from entering your home or ask people to take off their shoes when they visit you. 

  • Get some houseplants, plants could reduce levels of formaldehyde in the home, they will not just help with the quality of the air in your home but also hive some life and color to it.

  • Vacuum often, do this especially if you have a pet. Brooms can just stir up more dust.

  • Remove carpet if possible, It can trap pollutants such as dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, and other dirt and dust. Choose hard-surface flooring instead.

  • Try to stay dry to reduce mold, keep moisture down by using a dehumidifier and clean the filter regularly.

  • Keep trash covered to avoid attracting pests

These are just some examples that you can implement in your daily life to improve the air quality in your home so you may prevent any further harm that most common products used inside the house cause. By following these tips, not only will they help you but help better the investment and ensuring a better future for the generation to come. Hopefully, you found something useful in this article that can improve your lifestyle.

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