How To Clean Your Couch

The living room is the place where the family spends most of ist time together either by watching a movie, playing board games or just spending the time talking with one another and they do this thing sitting on the couch and over time it gets dirty not to mention spills that may occur as well. We hope to teach you a few ways to keep the place where you spend family time nice and clean and for the couch that you spend so much time on las for a lot longer.

How to Clean a Fabric Couch

The first thing you need to do is vacuum the couch and don’t forget under the cushions after a thorough vacuuming wipe any hard areas like wood or metal with a damp towel if you have any stains that you what to remove you can go to the store and by cleaning products meant for removing stains or if you what to save some money you can make your own cleaning solution by mixing 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water then adding a few drops of your favorite dish soap, spray the products over the satin and with a towel or small brush scrub gently after that with another towel dry the are. For removing bad odors from your couch, you can use baking soda and it will do the job, for a better result, mix a couple drops of essential oils to the baking soda, the essential oils will replace the bad odors and leave you with a nice and pleasant smell. Cover the area with the baking soda that you want to remove the odor from, let it sit for 1 - 2 hours or as long as you’d like, the longer the better. We recommend leaving it overnight, cleaning is very simple all you need is to vacuum up the baking soda, it’s that simple.


How to Clean a Leather Couch

Cleaning a leather couch is a little different, you start the same, vacuuming over and under the cushions very thoroughly, once that is done, if there are any stains that you need to get rid of use a mixture of water and soap, with a damp towel not wet, clean using a circular motion not exerting a lot of force, then dry the area, don’t forget this step. For the rest of the couch, you will need a leather cleaner and conditioner, you can get both of these products at most department store. Don’t add the product directly to the couch use a clean cloth for each product and for drying, add the cleaning solution to the cloth and wipe very gently all around, making sure to clean the edges, nooks, and crannies. Work from top to bottom to avoid any uneven polish marks. Then before adding the conditioner make sure to wipe away any excess product left behind, and do the same as before, add the conditioner to the cloth not directly to the couch, and proceed with the same steps as cleaning, let the product sit until dry, that takes about 1 - 2 hours, the conditioner is very important, it keeps the couch from cracking and ripping, and if you take good care of your leather couch it will last you a long time and it also leave a nice pleasant smell. 

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