Natural Celaning Tips For Unexpected Accidents

Spills can be unpredictable and happen when you least expect them to. But if you like most pooped have the nest three items in your home, you won’t have to worry too much. We are talking about lemon, vinegar, and baking soda. Knowing how to use them right can make these products go a long way, they are us full for much more than just cleaning simple spills. But before we mention the other uses they have. We will tell you how they can save you in a pinch if you don’t have any other cleaning products at hand or prefer using a natural and organic cleaning solution.

When treating a spill, the first thing you should do is try and soak up the liquid with a rag or towel. After removing most of the fluids, mix in a battle vinegar, warm water, non-bleach detergent, or favorite dish soup. Spray over the spill and with a brush or clean rag scrub gently. For a more effective cleaning mix baking soda with the cleaning solution and let it sit for a few minutes until dry. Once the area is dry, you only need to use a vacuum to pick up the excess baking soda. You can also use a damp towel or rag to remove any excess cleaning solution. If the spill is wine, coffee, or another hard to remove staining liquid, the cleaning process may have to repeat more than once. We want to mention that you should try using this cleaning method on a small area before using it to clean a larger surface. 

And know for the other cleaning uses the three items have. Least start with vinegar. Vinegar is acidic, and because of this, it’s beneficial for removing buildup and can be a suitable replacement for bleach. But unlike bleach, it is not a disinfectant. That’s where the lemon comes in. Just like vinegar, lemon is ideal for cleaning. It’s also an antibacterial and natural bleach, which means that it can disinfect most surfaces and remove harmful bacteria. But if you use these two items together, you get a ridiculous cleaning solution. Not only will this combo replace most of your cleaning products, but it also leaves a pleasant smell behind. For a versatile solution, we suggest mixing in a container vinegar and lemon peals from a lemon or two. Let them sit for a couple of days. 2 -4 days would be preferable but not longer than ten days, delude the mister with water, soup, or some lemon juice. And for baking soda, this white looking powder Mixed with water and made into a paste, is fabulous for breaking down grease and dust. Know, if you wear to combine all three for your next cleaning, it brats the perfect combo for most types of cleaning. The ver solution is excellent for windows, floors, and most surfaces. And adding the baking soda for harder areas to clean like the bathroom or their kitchen. For any cleaning that you can think of, these three products can probably get it done on their own.

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