Mistakes You tend To Make While Cleaning


Cleaning is straightforward, and everybody can do it, but sometimes you can do more harm than good if not done correctly. It may not seem harmful at first, but after some time, you may see the damage to the surface that you are trying to clean. In this article, we will talk about things that you should not do while cleaning. 

Let's talk about water, we use it as a solvent with our cleaning products, but there are things that you should never clean using only water. First is wooden furniture, using water on your coffee table, bookshelf, or anything that you have made of wood can damage it. Water will make your furniture crack, swell up, and have discoloration. We only recommend using water if you are trying to remove a sticky film or a small satin. Using a cloth or towel, mix water with a small amount of soup, wringing any excess water. Clean by using a circular motion, and make sure you dry the area immediately and don't let the wood soak up the moisture. For proper cleaning, make sure you wipe your furniture regularly and use furniture polish to protect it and give it a healthy shine. 

The same goes for leather, water over time can day your leather and make it crack and also leave water stains. Leather needs a special cleaner and even a moisturizer. You can find two in one product in most convenient stores. Still, we highly recommend buying them separately for better results. Make sure you are reading the instructions correctly, so you don't end up damaging your leather.

Another mistake most people tend to make is using a dirty rag or towel to clean. If you are using a dirty cloth, all you are doing is spreading germ around your house, and they can also leave an unpleasant smell behind. Make sure you wash your towels often and have some in reserve. Also, don't use the same rag for cleaning all the areas of your home. Have a designated one for every room of your home. 

Windows and mirror craning is simple, and you don't need a lot to clean them. All you need is a cloth and a cleaning solution or just water. Let's talk about mirrors first; many people like to use newspapers to clean them. The paper in itself is fine, but the ink they use to print it can satin your mirrors, and we don't want what that do we. In those cases, we recommend a cloth or rag, but if you're going to continue using newspapers, make sure that the ink noose does not leak on to your mirrors. Now for windows, the only thing we recommend for them is not to clean them when they are in direct sunlight. The heat can make the solution you are using to clean evaporate faster and leave streak markets before you can rinse it.

These are just some examples of what you could be doing ring while you are cleaning. Now, if you think it's too complicated or you don't want to remember this next time you have to clean, why not give Karen's green cleaning a try. Our cleaners are highly trained and knowledgeable on how to clean every surface and material properly. They can also provide you with advice for maintaining your home in good condition. This way you have more peace of mind that your furniture and belonging are being cleaned properly and are given the proper care.

Jenna White